Counties Energy Trust

Trustee Elections 2023

Voting closed at 12 noon on Saturday 5th August. Thank you to everyone who voted!  
The successful Candidates were Alan Eyes and Megan Matthews. The Trustees wish to thank all Candidates who stood for election.

Every two years or so, we hold public elections for the Trustees of the Counties Energy Trust, with the process beginning midway through the year. Nominees will need to be both nominated and seconded should they wish to have the opportunity to become a Trustee. They will also need to reside in an area that is serviced by Counties Energy and have their own electricity account.
Trustees usually serve on the board of Trustees for at least four years. This time may be shortened should they leave the district. Sometimes their service time can be extended for another two years depending on the vacancies that are available.
We encourage all of the Consumers of our local energy distribution company, Counties Energy, to take part in the local elections. After all, you are direct beneficiaries of the Trust, and your involvement and vote are appreciated!
As a leading energy trust in NZ, we wish to set an example for other energy trusts. And one way we aim to do this is through transparency. Below you will find all of the information that you may need regarding our elections, including the timetable, and a fact sheet; as well as, the names of candidates, and the final results when these become available. All of these documents are downloadable for your convenience.

Have any questions for Counties Energy Trust regarding our elections process and how to become a Trustee? Feel free to send us an email. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.